Wednesday, May 13, 2009

seriously at a loss

My sweet little Ty is turning into a bully and I mean a MEAN bully. Yesterday I was at my girlfriends house and we were talking as I'm not kidding I was walking through the door, we hadn't been there 1 minute yet and I hear Ro go TITUS Landen NOOOOOOOOOO I dont see what is happening but hear baby Kiah screaming so I pick him up tell him he needs to be NICE to baby's and sit him in time out, he could care less.... Ro later tells me he is sitting on top of her closed fist hitting kiah in the back of the head.... I seriously couldn't believe it but I trust Ro, so I apologized and we didn't stay long I was so embarrassed!!!
Today Im at Chick fil a and bradyn is playing with his buddy from school so it leaves titus trying to run after them and keep up. I'm out watching through the glass (is it just me or does the play area stink there?!) and I see this TINY baby girl who couldn't of been more then 13 months old sitting at the end of the slide, I see Titus slide down the slide and try to push her out of the way, she smiled at him and he grabbed her by her hair and got her in a head lock, started closed fist punching her in the face. the whole time I'm running and knocking over kids to get there to pull titus off, this time I watched it and couldn't believe my eyes, I spanked him told him WE DO NOT HIT very sternly made him say sorry (her mom was in there now and she was ok THANK GOD) and I made him come out and sit with me for like 10minutes, he seriously DIDN'T care!!!! one of the other moms is telling me oh kids will be kids blah blah blah so I feel a little better and tell him you can only go play if you are a NICE boy!!! he says Please mommy (which translate to Yes mommy) and I walk him in. he is playing nicely after watching him for 5mins or so and so I go back to my table where my purse and iphone sit wide open on top. no sooner did I sit down and I see the same scenario start to unfold only with a OLDER kid so titus couldn't quiet get the headlock in but the kid just was laying there crying as my titus is giggling and throwing punches in the face. he see me running for him as the door opened and he took off running so I KNOW he knows what he is doing yet he continues to do it... needless to say I APOLOGIZED up and down to the second mom who tells me again its ok he has two older brothers he is used to being beat up. Im surprised he didn't hit your son back. I half smile and walk away with tears in my eyes and so bummed out! and yes we packed up and left I couldnt risk any poor kids life.
I honestly DON'T know where he learned this and I DON'T know how to handle him when he acts like this he doesn't care if he gets spanked he doesn't care if he sits in timeouts for hours, he doesn't care about anything. I would love some ideas if any of you have them!?
and no my feelings wont be hurt if you call and cancel a play date with us now, I wouldn't want my kids around Titus either :(


Danielle said...

Hey try doing some reinforcement stuff. my mom had to do that with Crey uz he was a rowdy little guy but after a few days of tears he finally got it!!

foldreformer said...

O.k., Jess, no more UFC for Titus! hahaha!
I can say this because we've been dealing with a similar issue with Faith showing off the moves she learned while watching UFC (no joke!) with her papa!
Anyway, seriously, the first thing that comes to mind is Dobson's "The Strong Willed Child", I don't know how you feel about Dobson, but I like him, was raised on his stuff and I'd just take what he says (like anything else) with a "grain of salt". :O) Hope that helps!

Mike and Jamie said...

I am right there with you! We have at the beating up issues with Donovan but he is constantly in major trouble and I just don't know what to do. He LAUGHS AT ME when I discipline him. I think I will have to look into that book suggested above. Good luck to you. Hopefully we figure something out.

Simply Blessed said...

Ahahaha... no way... that is so crazy! Maybe I am blessed not to have boys LOL Just kidding... but atleast it makes mefeel better about not having any :) You can remind me of that when all THREE of my girls are on their periods at the same time LOL