Can I just take a side note and say how blessed I am to have the Ax family as neighbors. Not only Do I love Ro (and you too dave) but they have boys the same ages as ours and they love each other. Isaac and Bradyn play pretty well together, *Isaac does REALLY well with being bossed around by Bradyn* and Caleb and Titus
and both bruisers together and so much alike its crazy! no if only we could follow their lead and have a girl next?!?! haha only dreaming! We are just so Blessed to have this family in our lifes!!! We love you Ax family!!!!
ok now really on to the pictures
The boys took turn getting burried
Kiah hung out in her cool little tent
Titus and isaac hit the waves
and alot of the afternoon was spent wiping sand out of eyes and off the faces
Titus was FROZEN and just stood there shaking and when we asked him are you cold lets get warm? he would say NOOO he was fine! ;)
We actully got some shots with all the boys in it... WOW
Isaac had to pee so why not just drop his pants right there? We all were laughing to hard to tell him to stop lol Yes we were those parents ;)
The big guys played some catch while
Then it was time for dinner
Dave made us some yummy lighter fluid burgers ;) haha
by the time we left my boys were WIPED out and were asleep before we left the parking lot!
What great pictures!!! I love the one peeing...CLASSIC!!!!
and the one with all the boys together...too cute. The one boy kinda reminds me of an older version of Kenny...AWE!!!
It must be great to have such wonderful neighbors that you can hang with.
talk to ya soon.
So awesome. How fun to live so close! (Im jealous LOL) Although I don't know how my prissy pink almost 3 year old would fit in LOL Looks like such a fun long day!!
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