Sunday, June 29, 2008

Moving on up......

well my girls finally DID it.... moved out of 3rd place and up into 2ND haha :) it was our district tournament this weekend, which basically was if we did well here we moved on to the State championships.... and our girls did just that! so the weekend of July 11Th we will be in San Diego battling it out to go to Nationals.... (secretly I don't want to make it that far, nationals is in Salem Oregon this year. is that bad? lol) I didn't have my camera this weekend, but bill brought his nifty flip with him so here are some videos..... the last one of the team I'm not sure if you can tell but we all have metals around our neck... yay us :)

This is Lindsey... its ALL her fault Im even coaching right now haha :)just kidding Im glad she called.... we played softball back when we were kids together, so we have know each other for a LONG time.

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