Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Gender Swaying

alot of you have asked what I ment by swaying for a girl so here is my attempt at explaining myself, with hope of not totally sounding freakish or dweeby ;)
let me start this post off by saying I believe there is more science to gender selection then most think. and if there was something I could do to maybe help the chances of getting a girl I wanted to see lol. I don't know if I believe they work still because I believe God ultimately has the say on who He blesses us with. but I figured it couldn't hurt anything right? ;)
I LOVE having my two sons, but I have always wanted a daughter I have wanted the pink clothes, big bows, big puffy dresses and just pretty stuff and the mother in daughter relationship. My mom has always told me she picked the sex of my last two sisters by following this book she had. so early this year I picked up the book read it a few times made bill read it and then started doing online research to see what else I could do to try to help our odds at conceiving a girl. there are ALOT of extreme things people do out there and I wasn't willing to spend thousands of dollars on something like this and I wasn't willing to play dr at home spinning sperm with egg whites, and no I'm not joking there are people who do this, which is fine for them just not for us. so finally in June we started on our plan of swaying, Bill and I both took some supplements cut some things out of our diets. I woke up daily at 6am to take my temp to help track ovulation. I was testing both bills and myself ph levels and once august rolled around we had everything down and were ready to start trying. I was surprised how much about my body I didn't know LOL following my cycle daily was interesting to say the least.
when trying to conceive a girl they say it could take months so we were shocked to find out we were pregnant right away. and a little scared maybe we didn't something wrong lol.
the basic idea behind getting a girl, is girl sperm are slower but heartier then the fast weaker boys, so timing of sex is a key, then you ph level also plays a part as there are optimal ranges for both types of sperm to live in or to kill the other off :)
I have NO idea if our sway worked yet. in sway standards we had a great sway and our odds are something like 80-90% girl, but with our luck were in that 10% boy range LOL there are days Im SURE were having a girl and the next day Im that sure were having a boy. so who knows!!!!
I really am ok with this baby being a boy or a girl, but the Fact is this is our last baby so if we see a penis on that ultrasound screen Im going to be super bummed at first!!!! Ill need a few days or weeks ;) to get over it and then fall deeply in love with the little guy. I wont be bummed its a boy as much as I will be bummed Ill never get the pink dresses and big bows and the mother daughter relationship. the disappointment of the girl dream being over will be what bums me out not the boy, I have two boys I know how to love boys I know how to deal with boys I know how to wipe a boys bottom I love having SONS so I know I will love having THREE sons... the thought of three boys scares me AAHHHHHH but the thought of a girl scares me too, the unknown I guess.... I know who is in my belly is EXACTLY who God picked out for our family and Im blessed to know that boy or girl its the perfect match for us!
our ultrasound date is set and a BIG FAT secret, bill and I are planning on keeping it a secret until its confirmed again later at another ultrasound. we arnt even telling anyone when we are going partly because if they tell me its a girl I wont believe them, ;) and if its a boy I wont be ready to hear from everyone I tell... Three boys wow, or Boys are great!! I know all this but Im sure I wont want to hear it at first lol.


C! said...

Hey there - I saw your blog and did wonder what "sway" meant, thanks for the explanation :) We are actually finally going to try for another soon, and I know just how you feel about hoping for that girl, but knowing you will love the child just as much no matter what, but if it is a boy will have to mourn that loss of knowing there will be no daughter. I'll be praying for you all, like you said it is God's decision, but hey, a little prayer never hurts ;) I give you credit - if that 1st u/s shows it may be a girl, I'd have a hard time keeping my secret! Best wishes, I hope the pregnancy is going well and you are getting lots of rest.

Anonymous said...

Hi there, congratulations on expecting your 3rd baby - and also for adding a little girl to your brood! Sorry to bother you, but could you let me know which book you referred to that your mum ( and you) used for gender swaying? thank you so much and all the best

Anonymous said...

Hello, I just stumbled across your blog when I was researching gender swaying. I also have two boys and am ready to try for a girl. I was wondering if you would be willing to share the name of the book that helped you with your sway. Congratulations on the birth of your little girl. You have a beautiful family!

Anonymous said...

Hi there,

Looking up at the previous comment ... what book did you use? I have 2 boys as well and hoping for my little girl as well.
Thanks and please post back!

Jessikah said...

The book is called
How to choose the sex of your baby by dr shettles... but with that said I read it and took from it what I could and got MOST of my information online there is an aamazing website called in-gender dot com that I spent hours on!!!
Good luck to you all on getting the gender you desire!!!

Anonymous said...

Thanks so much.
I'll take a look :)
Hopefully next time around it will be a girl .. but I have a feeling I am destined to have all boys :) haha
All the best

Anonymous said...

I came across your blog also through google and researching gender swaying. I've spent absolutely hours on in-gender and this is our first month ttc after weeks of diet changes/supplements etc. It was just encouraging to read your site as I relate to everything you've said here, and I admire your openness as at this point everything is such a big 'secret' from friends/family everyone-- at least until we know everything works out okay. It's kindof a lonely place right now, but I appreciate your note and seeing smiling faces and a beautiful family behind all the screen names and forum-monkeys :). Thank you for blogging :) Congratulations on your beautiful family!!!