Thursday, October 8, 2009

Were back!!! :)

did you miss us?! I never ment for our absence to be quite this long, but I have reasons ;) LOTS has happened in the Voong household over the past few months. All great of course :)
Frist we moved!! :) at last!! we found a great house in Chino Hills that is perfect for us 4 bedrooms 3 baths with a back yard for the kids to run around and be boys. it has a big hill that the boys hike and go hunting for lizzards and bugs.. eww ;) we are so happy to finally be here really Good things come to those who wait.
We moved in the end of Aug. and that same week we found out I was pregnant with #3 we couldnt be more thrilled, and Yes this baby was planned! We are due the first part of May. We werent planning on telling anyone untill later on in the pregnancy, but my body had diffrent plans, it was almost INSTANT my belly pooped out and I couldnt hide that I was pregnant.

I tried wearing spanxs and even still I couldnt fit into my regular jeans. At Titus birthday party (sep 13th) we had all our family here and they all came up to me at diffrent times with comments like wow we didnt know you were pregnant I tried to play dumb but seriously there was no hidding it. So Bill annouced it before everyone left. the secret was out.

(this is my belly earlier this week at 9wks 1dy)
Im 10 weeks now, and so far this pregnacy I still havent thrown up. I wish for it daily because I just always feel this horrible feeling of needing to but nothing comes up. I feel 1000000X diffrent then I did with both of the boys pregnancy's. so far I have had NO hip pain which is a BIG one for me, I keep praying it will stay away, dr said its unlikely I wont have any problems but we will see in time....I wish I could rely on the fact this pregnancy has been so diffrent and believe its a girl but I have seen to many people say boy I feel so diffrent this time and it end up being the same sex as before. We would LOVE a little girl and even did some swaying for a girl, but ultimately we know whos in my belly is exactly who God has for us and we will be excited with either gender. Bradyn since before he knew I was pregnant has told me I had two babies in my belly, that he quickly named Peanut butter and Jelly (the boy) and Ice Cream (the girl) I was kind of freaked out my 3 year old knew I was pregnant before I did and was saying there was two. but we did go for our ultrasound a few weeks ago and there is one baby!

Bradyn still insist there is two and gets upset if we tell him otherwise. he always says but I want two babies and I prayed and asked God for two babies there is two babies!! LOL
both the boys are CRAZY about this baby already they both hug thier baby and tell s/he they love it ALLL day long they both like to talk to my belly and ask me at least 10x's a day if their baby is feeling ok or what their baby is doing right now. Bradyn has started to change his voice and respond as the baby when Ty talks to her its hilarious!!! I love my boys and am so excited they both are this excited about another addition to our family!!
Well thats it for now, Im actully feeling quiet well right now so I think its time to go play at the park for awhile!! :)


mrs.deane said...


What a blessing.

Yes, the more kiddos you have, the quicker your body falls back into pregnancy mode. I think it's pretty cool, actually.

Brianna said...

Thank you so much for your time to comment on my blog about your SPD problem. It's a relief to know some people have gone through the same thing. I think after my last birth is when it started and never really went away and just got worse with this one. I am hoping that it will go away after this one! Thank you again for your comment I will definately let you know how the PT turns out. Praying for some relief :)

Lindsay said...

your boys are so so cute! they could be little models! I love them! And I am really hoping #3 is a GIRL!:) i am so jealous you are in a house, we have been looking forever! I keep telling myself the same thing...good things happen to those that wait! but we have waited long enough so hopefully it will happen for us soon. Our blog is