Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Hi Im Jessikah and Im a recovering shopaholic

Bill and I sat down this past week and worked on our budget and laying out our bills in a excel spreadsheet for the year. we do this every January so nothing new. only this time as we sat there we realized how close we really are to buying our first home!! YAY a dream we have had since we got married. but in order to fulfill this dream we really need to keep to budget for the next few months.. and I mean stick to it. We always have had a budget but we never keep to it just sorta keep to it... Im always known for going out and just picking up a few things but justifying but it was on SALE!!! uh hello even sale things add up... and we eat out way more then our budget allows for.
As of Sunday all this is Changing and let me tell you we are only on day 4 of this sticking to our budget penny for penny, and it has been seriously one of the hardest things for me.. I never would have considered myself a shopaholic before but I think I was/am. I cant walk into a store for one thing, without looking at everything and picking up a few more things. I have never left target or walmart with a check less then 40$ until Sunday I went in to buy bill some motrin, and after walking through a couple of unnecessary ailes and having to keep reminding myself NO you dont need that... I walked out of target having spent 3.50$ WOHOOOOOOO
Then yesterday I had to run out to get Titus some new shoes for his Audition today, and I went to like 6 stores didnt find shoes anywhere at least not cute ones, but I found plenty of other CUTE things my boys really could have used.... but I was good only picking up one xtra pair of jeans for Bradyn because they were 4.99 regularly 20$ lol I know I didnt do as good as Im trying to make it sound I did but hey its a start...... from here on out Im not spending money unless the budget allows for it... I know its hard now but next year at this time when Im sitting in my own home I will be so glad I did!!! :) so if Iam out with you for whatever reason DONT tempt me lol, No I will not go to the mall with you, and NO I cant grab sushi for lunch this week!!!!

1 comment:

foldreformer said...

I too have really started to limit my spending. I find that it's better to just not go to Target. It had been almost a month between trips (unheard of!) and when I went I only bought what was on my list and yea! I made it through with out buying anything I didn't need! I have heard the saying, 'going broke saving money', and that's me, it's so hard to pass up a sale! Anyway, I'm there with you friend!